Sunday, July 1, 2012

Diamonds and Pearls

I found these wonderful quotes about diamonds and pearls and I thought I would share them. Hope you enjoy. 

 "I have always felt a gift diamond shines so much better than one you buy for yourself." ~Mae West (this is one I agree with but better to buy one for yourself, than to wait and never receive one at all.) 

"The pearl is the queen of gems and the gem of queens." ~Author Unknown 

This is one I wish were true! "Jewelry takes people's minds off your wrinkles." ~Sonja Henie 

"I never worry about diets. The only carrots that interest me are the number of carats in a diamond." ~Mae West 

 "Let us not be too particular. It is better to have old second-hand diamonds than none at all." ~Mark Twain 

"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without." ~Chinese Proverb 

 And one more... "All art is autobiographical; the pearl is the oyster's autobiography." ~Federico Fellini

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