Monday, November 12, 2007

Monday, Veteran's Day

I'm tired. I just got mostly finished on a multi-stranded necklace I spent most of the afternoon on. And earlier today I finished a double stranded necklace that I started probably a month ago. The first one I made the chain by hand and it looks really good. I will photograph both and get them on the blog soon. Right now my back is hurting so I'n not going to do any photographing.

My husband helped me a lot yesterday getting my 1st newsletter ready to send out. Boy, that has been quite a lot of work. I think with each newsletter I do it will become easier and easier. I hope to get this first one out this week.

I have about 2 more studio days to make jewelry before my big Xmas Art Fair at Redwood Acres. That will be for 3 days, 11/30, 12/1 and 12/2, a friday, saturday and sunday. For my local customers, this will be a good time to see my new jewelry in person. This is the only holiday fair I am doing this year.

In getting ready for this fair, I keep thinking I should concentrate on making earrings. But I am having so much fun making necklaces lately. I am more inspired to make necklaces. They seem more creative to me. But with only 2 studio days left, earrings it will be.

As for the rest of this 3 day weekend, on saturday I got to spend time with my sister and her friend from out-of-town. We went to big jewelry sale at Baroni's. They were selling off their discontinued jewelry lines from previous years. I found a few pairs of earrings for myself. When you make your own jewelry, there is not a lot of need to buy items you can make.

Well my Tiger is very restless right now and wants my attention so I will need to stop writing. We are going to make a fire now so we need to gather wood. I'll finish another time.

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