I have only seen this tree in California. There are some small ones in our neighborhood, and one very large one. When our trees in our yard get older, they will all be growing into one another, competing for space.
But back to golden chain. The pretty yellow flowers that grow on the tree hang down and the blossoms look like wisteria blossoms. They look like yellow wisteria.
Every year. like clockwork, our tree starts blooming in late May, and is at her best right now, beginning to mid-June. She is just lovely. I just had to share.
when I was in Mexico (waaaay) back in college, there was one of these in the yard of the house we stayed in. They called it a "lluvia de oro" tree which means tears of gold. I always loved that. Thanks for the nice memory.
Thank you Jill for sharing that memory. These really are beautiful trees. We feel lucky to have one right in our own backyard.
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